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Select Courses

Select Courses Region

Welcome to the Schedule Builder. This is the Select Courses region. To use this software, follow the steps described below. First add courses to the list of courses. This will cause the Results region to show you a list of possible schedules.

Step 1: Select Term

Choose a term.

Step 2a: Select Campuses

Select your desired course locations.

Step 2: Select a Course

Begin typing a course code or name that you would like to take, then click 'Select'.

Example: ENG 101 or MTH 140
Step 2a
Select your desired course locations.
Step 2
Begin typing a course code or name that you would like to take, then click 'Select'.

Example: ENG 101 or MTH 140
Select Course
You cannot manually select courses because you must follow the assigned plan.
You cannot manually select courses but you can import them from your Course Queue which you can fill in your My Academic Requirements
Note that this student acting alone can only select courses from their Academic Requirements by importing them via the Course Queue

List of Courses:

The generated schedule results are truncated because the input is too broad. To ensure all results are considered, pin down or toggle off some of your preferred classes.
Retrieving schedule...

Results Region

  Generating Schedules...
schedule results
Tip: Select courses to generate schedule results.
Welcome to Rattler Scheduler
This software will help you find your optimal schedule.
To begin, choose a Term and select courses on the left.

Favorites Region

This is the Favorites region. If you select a favorite you can rename it, load it, or delete it.

List of Favorites

Feb. 20, 3:45
No Favorite Selected
Warning: Favorites will be lost if you close your browser
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